Illustration of of the rhetorical condition.

Rationale: In today’s society, the topic of gun violence is a very prominent issue, and it has resulted in the acceleration of the rate of gun homicides and suicides in the United States. Reported “more than 30,000 men, women, and children are killed with guns each year in the United States” (AI). This extraneous carnage is what considered now as the new normal for the American people.  Routinely in the news, there have been numerous cases of mass homicides, shootouts, suicides, etc reported, i.e. the most recent shootings at a bar “in Thousand Oaks, California.” This incident resulted in the death of 12 innocent victims, by circumstance the shooter turned out to be a “28-year-old veteran of the US Marine Corps” ( CNN).


Along with the other earlier events mentioning the ‘synagogue of Pittsburgh’ (Oct 27,18 ) and ‘Trenton, New Jersey (June 17,18), the issue of high rates of gun-related homicides is the result of the substantive prevalence of guns. Concerning the topic of the 2nd amendment which gives the right to the individuals to bear arms for heedless reasons; the question generalizes the distinction of people with their respective political agendas to have the power to carry firearms or not. Extensively, there is plenty of issues that the topic of gun violence covers for justifying it as the most exasperating obstacle for the development of the United States. In this assignment, in opposition toward the issue of gun violence and the idea of ‘bearing arms for self-defense.’ My objective is to display the specific complication of gun violence in two mainstreamed genres, in order to emphasize the idea of “more guns have more gun deaths” (Lopez 75-76) and inform the audience with an opposing aspiration about the growing gun violence problem and the importance of gun control measures in the U.S.

My first composition is a political cartoon that informs the delicate new system of gun control measure, executed by the Federal Government which embraces the idea of arming the teachers/professors to deal with the mass school shootings. The President of the U.S, Donald Trump; in respect to preserving the freedom and aspiration of the concept of “concealed carry permit “stated that “He Would Have Rushed in Unarmed to Stop School Shooting” concerning the Florida shooting (the NY times). Portraying the issue, it approaches the proposition of logical and pathological fields alike the other political cartoons in the subject of Gun Violence. The image also emphasizes the theme of the second amendment which represents the sarcasm of the project for the audience to criticize or support my opinion of how inadmissible is the idea of fighting guns with more guns and how significant it is to implement credible gun control laws.

In aspirational towards attracting a large amount of younger/older audiences from the social media platform, I have performed a meme for my 2nd composition which is very much similar towards the genre of a political cartoon. Comparatively, the meme embraces more to the factor of a pathological approach, which the audience can observe the humor and relate towards their own particular opinions.  The two memes give significance towards the topic of ‘Fewer guns, results in fewer deaths’ and ‘protection against the tyrannical government.’ Highlighting the humor, it displays the opposition to the prevalence of guns for a better future for the Americans.

In conclusion with the two compositions reflecting on the same issue, the genres portray the specific implications of the issue of gun violence in America and the relation of the 2nd Amendment. And, Enforces the idea of pushing feasible gun control laws and supports the idea to make a better future for the forthcoming generations. As much the topic of gun violence has been ignored over the years by the federal government, it remains among the most prominent issue that most of the Americans have to allocate.